Binder Setup

I have found that most students need to be dragged kicking and screaming into some semblance of organization.  Binders can help! I recommend that you purchase a writing binder for each of your students. In it you can keep the class sylabus, yearly calendar, and printed final drafts of compositions.

IEW's Student Resource Packet & Binder

Optional but Highly Recommended
Foundations Classes, Essay, Intro to Literary Analysis, Intro to Research Papers

This is an amazing resource which I refer to often in class. I highly recommend you purchase it. The packet contains charts, reminders, style samples, tips, exercises, word lists, and much more. It is a resource can be used each year. The binder comes pre-filled with tabs. You can also purchase these items separately.

Binder Sections by Class

Have Questions? Feel free to reach out!