Getting Started

Here’s what you’ll need for the first class session and what you can expect. You will also find information on how to set up your system and technical support.

Students will need the following

  • A computer with a high-speed Internet connection
    Note: Having too many devices using your wifi connection at one time will slow down and/or interrupt your child's class time. A way to avoid this is to connect your child's computer to the Internet with an ethernet cable. Mrs. Luiz does this and she has had great success!

  • Adobe Connect App installed  

    Link for PCs

    Link for Mac

  • Microsoft Word program

    This is ideal as Student Packets are created using Word. However, Google Docs is a free alternative for Microsoft Word 

  • Working microphone and headphones

  • A quiet working environment during class

How the Tutorials Work

Our class will meet once a week.  Using Adobe Connect conferencing software (explained below) all participants will log on to the same server at the designated time.  Our class sessions will include a review of homework, class instruction and discussion, note-taking, vocabulary work, and opportunities for you to read your work to your classmates. 

If you miss a class, the tutor records each Adobe Connect session and emails it to all students.  You will be able to view the entire class, including all visuals.  It's the next best thing to "being there!" 

Assignments will be turned in via email to the tutor and will be returned in the same manner.  (Details to follow.)  

Setting Up Your System

Scribe Tutorials uses Adobe Connect for our online classroom.

In order to run Adobe Connect, students should install the app:

Link for PCs
Link for Mac

NOTE: I recommend students use a computer for class. If, however, your child only has access to a tablet, you will need to install the Adobe Connect app from either Google Play or the Apple App Store.  


To get into the classroom, simply go to the web address (url) that Mrs. Luiz provides you and follow these directions:

  1. Enter in as a guest. Type your name in the box. You do not need a password to get into the classroom. After entering name click “Continue.” (Do not click on “Registered User.”)

  2. A dialog box will appear. Choose your speakers and microphone. Click “Enter Room.”

  3. First Time Users: A tutorial will begin called "Tips for Using Adobe Connect for Participants."

    — Watch this video. It really does give you some great user tips!

  4. Once you are in the classroom, you should see either a "chalkboard" with your class's name and meeting time (this means the class is not yet open) or you will see our welcome page.

  5. Mute your mic by clicking on the microphone icon at the top of the screen. Otherwise, we will hear EVERYTHING! (Really, you SHOULD have cleaned your room last night!)

  6. To turn on and off your webcam, click on the camera icon next to the microphone icon located at the top middle of the screen. All student cameras will be enabled. You'll just need to turn yours off when you're not presenting. 

  7. That's it! We will practice everything else you need to know in class.

Additional Support

Technical Problems? Read This!

From the Adobe Connect Visual Quick Start Guide.

If troubleshooting attempts fail, you can reach the Adobe Connect Help Desk @ 800 945-9120.

Select the "in Connect meeting" option and a technician will get right to you. They are actually very helpful!